AUBURN — The Sacred Heart Golden Age Club of Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish will meet Tuesday, July 14, in the church hall. A lunch of hamburgers, hot dogs, chips, desserts and coffee, tea or water will be served at noon. The cost is $5. Call Paula at 576-4082 for reservations by Sunday, July 12. No reservations will be taken after this date. The meeting will begin at 1 p.m.
Members should bring food or money for the St. Louis food bank.
Another meeting will be held Tuesday, Aug. 11, with a potluck lunch. Cost will be $3. Members may sign up with what they will bring for the meal during the July meeting.
Member are reminded to be prepared to nominate officers in September and vote in October. New officers will preside in January. Due to summer meetings and no meeting in January and February, all dues must be paid by the end of October. 

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