FARMINGTON — Medical librarian Emily Scribner has been named Caregiver of the Year for Franklin Community Health Network, according to
Jerry Cayer, executive vice president and chief operating officer at Franklin Memorial Hospital.

Cayer made the surprise announcement during a recent manager’s meeting, praising Scribner’s 17 years of service at the hospital, where she has grown a small library into a state-of-the-art medical library in the Ben Franklin Center — a transition from an article and book library to an electronic research center with networking capability throughout the world.
Cayer’s nomination describes Scribner’s behind-the-scenes work as a reflection of her dedication to education, shining as a patient advocate and helping to mold future caregivers every day with her ability to support medical and nursing students with their learning needs.
Among her achievements is her ability to generate grant support to underwrite education for medical providers, nurses, students and the community. A recent award was the Outreach Rural Health Care Provider grant, which improves the ability of rural health care providers in accessing medical and consumer health information for their own professional development and the benefit of their patients.

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