On June 26, the U.S. House of Representatives voted 219-212 to pass the Waxman-Markey Cap and Trade Bill.
Maine Reps. Mike Michaud and Chellie Pingree supported that bill. They have chosen to support their party first and the people of Maine second.
The bill is simply a tax on businesses that will be passed on to consumers.
According to sources on the Internet, independent research groups think the cost to families could be between $436 and $1,241 per year in energy bills. How can our representatives expect Mainers, who are already struggling, to pay even more in energy bills? We are looking at 90 percent increases in electric bills and more than a 50 percent increase in gas and oil.
Mainers can’t afford that.
The bill is also expected to force companies to move more jobs overseas. Internet sources place the net job loss at more than 1 million between 2012 and 2035.
How many more jobs can this state lose before the people say they have had enough? Elected officials think pushing personal agendas is worth hurting their own constituents.
The loss to the nation’s gross domestic product is expected to be about $393 billion a year due to that bill. The current trade deficit is already $30 billion a month. The bill would virtually double the nation’s debt every year.
This is just another tax in disguise for working families. Is this what people want for Maine?
Our senators must vote against this bill.
Paul Bouchard, Auburn

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