GORHAM — The Maine Federation of Music Clubs has announced winners of its 2009 Anne Gannett Scholarship Competition held at Corthell Hall at the University of Southern Maine on June 6.
Winners included Timothy Cilley, bass-baritone, South Berwick, first prize of $2,000 plus $130 in the voice category.
Chelsey Williams, soprano, Windham, second prize of $1,000 plus $130 in the musical theater category.
Kelley Davis, soprano, Buckfield, won third prize of $500.
Sarah Sawin, flute, Lovell, won the winds prize of $130.
Maren Askins, cello, Bangor, won the strings prize of $130.
The biennial competition was open to residents of Maine and to nonresidents who study in Maine. Applicants must be sophomore or junior music majors in any accredited music schools, colleges or universities in September of 2009.
Davis is a fourth-semester vocal performance major at the University of Connecticut. She has been active in the women’s choir, concert choir, opera workshop, and opera studio. Davis is studying voice with Dr. Constance Rock, associate professor of voice, area coordinator, voice and opera, University of Connecticut.
Sawin, a native of Lovell, is entering her junior year as a flute performance major at the University of Southern Maine. She has received the Pearl Starbird Music Scholarship, Frank Petillo Music Award and Eva Mullford Music Scholarship.
Sawin plays in the university concert band, wind ensemble and orchestra, and is principal flute in the university’s newly added chamber orchestra. She has recently been invited to attend the Academy of Music and Dance at Le Domaine Forget in St. Irenee, Quebec. Sawin has worked with such teachers as Julia Hendrickson and John Littlefield and studies with Jean Rosenblum.

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