WEST PARIS — The West Paris Alumni held its annual banquet at the Agnes L. Gray School gym on June 6. A meeting and election of officers was held as follows: president, Mary Anne Perham Brown; vice president, Peggy Perham Turner; secretary, Shirley Boyce; and treasurer, Alta Pierce. The committee members remain the same.

Harold Andrews, who graduated in 1939, spoke of differences then and now. He also spoke of Myron Pierce, who graduated with him and who died recently
The honored 50-year class was represented by Rodney Abbott, Mary Anne Brown, Elaine Penley Emery and Gary Goodwin. A musical program was presented by Lenwood Andrews and Elaine Penley Emery.
Kim Kangas retired as alumni president. Just before retiring, she introduced Katie Diconzo of the 2009 graduating class, daughter of Nick and Donna Diconzo of West Paris. Diconzo will attend the University of Southern Maine this fall.

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