NORWAY — The Oxford County Superior Court has ruled in the town’s favor on the value of the Norway Opera House.

Last week, the town of Norway and BiTiM Enterprises, the building’s former owner, disputed the value of the building in Superior Court. The town’s attorney contended the building was worth $185,000 in December 2009 when the town took it by eminent domain.

BiTiM Enterprises and its principal, Barry Mazzaglia, said $328,000 was a fair price for the property.

On Thursday, Justice Robert W. Clifford signed a judgment that $185,000 was a reasonable amount for the property.

“The Town’s appraiser, Patricia Amidon, estimated the value of the building to be $185,000,” Clifford’s judgment read.

“The court finds her appraiser methodology to be appropriate, and her testimony to be credible.”

Town Manager David Holt said experts from the town gave good, factual testimony in the condition of the building.

“The town is pleased to have this payment issue resolved will continue to work methodically toward the goal of working with its partners to once again see the Norway Opera House as a valuable contributor to life on Main Street,” Holt said in an e-mail.

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