Up in smoke

Wednesday afternoon, at the top of the courthouse steps in Auburn, I found an empty pack of cigarettes with a message scrawled on the side. It was soggy and the letters were starting to run, but the bright pink message was very clear. It said: “I love you!” Out there on the granite steps between court and jail, this had to be the work of one unhappy woman sending a last minute token of love before her man was hauled off to jail. Or perhaps a mother to her son before he was carried away to state prison for a longer stretch. So poignant. So devoted.

Of course, there’s an equally good chance that it was a message of love from one jail inmate to another, but my mind chooses not to take it in that direction. Your mind is free to do what it likes.

Plenty of fish

This is probably quite profound as well. Unfortunately, I have no idea what it means. Those three words were jotted here earlier in the week, obviously meant to remind me of something I should get back to. But what? What great news has there been that involves fish? And not just fish, plenty of them. I don’t recall. Feel free to scribble your own observations here, as long as they’re fish-related. Have fun with it!

The Great Debate


I didn’t pay much attention to round one of Obama vs. Romney. What I did do was watch the discourse on Facebook as those following the debate shared their opinions. As a means of judging public sentiment about a specific event, Facebook is terrific. And after a long, careful study of the data, what I deduced is this: there are some scary ass people on Facebook and some of them are even allowed to vote.

Night of all nights of the year

Quit asking me what I’m going as this year, or I’ll go as you and do something really, really stupid.

In bloom

How come even at peak foliage season, you don’t find any of it on Oak, Pine, Birch or Maple streets in Lewiston? (I stole this thought outright from B-Section staffer Susan Broadbent. Come on out here, Susan, and let the grumpy readers throw moldy fruit at you for a change.)

Better late than never


Auburn’s late school day proposal was shot down. Again. Maybe start with just 20 minutes. Then 30. It works for the insurance companies. (That one was also Susan’s. You may fire when ready.)

One thing I’m pretty sure of

That soggy cigarette pack at the courthouse was probably not meant for a certain Lewiston mayor. I don’t think he smokes, is what I mean.


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