PARIS — Despite concern by several residents, the Board of Selectmen voted unanimously Monday night to re-establish and reappoint the Ad-Hoc Road Committee to review the road plan approved by voters last year.

“This is not an attempt to change anything,” Board of Selectmen Chairman Bob Kirchherr said.

Last year, voters accepted an 11-year plan designed to address the poor conditions of some roads.

Former Ad-Hoc Road Committee Chairman Robert Jewell said he was concerned that the re-establishment of the committee could mean alterations of the road plan, which was already approved. He said he wants to make sure the order of road repairs stays as presented in the plan.

Kirchherr stressed that the charge for the committee would simply be to review any new information and to make modifications to the plan if necessary.

The plan was created by former Town Manager Phil Tarr and Highway Foreman Dan Nowell and recommended to town meeting voters by the Ad-Hoc Road Committee.


Tarr used a software program called the Road Service Maintenance System to gather data on conditions on every road in Paris, divided into half-mile segments. The program takes the traffic rate on each road into account.

Tarr said at the time that he would allot what he thought the town could afford to spend on road repairs — about $500,000 a year — and divide the work over the next 10 years.

Kirchherr said Town Manager Amy Bernard has additional ideas that could save the town money.

“I think we should hear Amy’s ideas on how to save money,” he said.

Bernard, who was not a town employee when the road plan was developed, said she would like to look at cheaper methods of paving. She said there are companies who will present information at no charge that might reduce costs for the town.

Bernard said she envisions a committee working for some six to nine months. The town’s engineer may be called in to consult, she said.

When the plan was adopted, Road Committee members and selectmen said it could be modified year to year to conform to budget constraints.

Among those reappointed Monday were James Hakala, Robert C. Jewell II, Joan Moorehead and Calvin Woodworth.

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