JAY — Jay Elementary School children clapped, laughed and tried hard to volunteer for one of Magical Michael’s disappearing acts performed Friday afternoon in the gym.

The show, performed by Michael Smilek of Farmington with the help of several students, was a reward for the success of the recently implemented Positive Behavior Intervention Supports program. It rewards good behavior.

Kindergarten teacher Deborah Packard said the staff is excited about the new program. When it started earlier this year, Principal Chris Hollingsworth sat on the school’s roof because children had successfully met its requirements.

Packard said this school year children who have earned “Bee” certificates have had extra recess and taken part in a pajama day.

The “Bee” certificates stand for “Be Respectful,” “Be Responsible,” “Be a Worker,” and”Be Kind.” Whenever a child is seen doing something good, a teacher or other staff member may award him or her a certificate.

“We want to have a more positive impact on students,” Janet Daigle, a second-grade teacher who was filling in as principal, said Friday. “We’re still working out the kinks.”


As she introduced Smilek, she reminded students they were to keep their hands and feet to themselves and to keep their eyes on their guest.

Children watched as Smilek explained that magic is an illusion.

“It’s something that really cannot exist,” he said.

But they weren’t so sure as they watched Smilek change a white silk handkerchief into a red one and then made it disappear, or when a dollar bill moved mysteriously from one to container to another, or when three different lengths of rope suddenly all turned into one size.

As he performed tricks they roared in delight and loud applause. They also applauded themselves when Smilek said they deserved it for their good behavior.

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