In the Sun Journal article about state Rep. Brian Bolduc’s email (Dec. 12), it was clear that he wasn’t a big fan of truck drivers. I would think that a man of his self-proclaimed superior intelligence would realize all that annoying noise he hears is America moving.

The trucking industry isn’t a 9-to-5 job; it’s a 24/7 job and without it, Bolduc, D-Auburn, would not be able to heat his home or feed and clothe his family.

For him to think that the hard-working taxpayers of Auburn are going to follow him like sheep and do away with trucks because it annoys him is ridiculous.

If he proposes to do away with trucks on busy streets in Auburn, all the restaurants, stores and malls would be without merchandise. Without trucks, they have nothing to sell.

I think his comment was, “One look at them and you can see that they don’t have a whole lot of brains.” Bolduc is right about one thing — like any business, industry (or even state government), you will find some who appear to have a lower IQ. Probably if Bolduc takes a glance in a mirror he might understand what I’m saying.

It is obvious to me that Bolduc doesn’t realize that truck drivers vote. I hope, for his sake, he kept his teaching certificate because he may need it.

Timothy Wing, Mechanic Falls

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