Marden’s parking

Our lives will never be the same. Two days before Christmas, I stopped into Marden’s in Lewiston only to discover that they’ve done away with the slant parking directly in front of the store. Too bad. When a person managed to defy all odds by discovering one of those storefront slots open, it was like winning the lottery. Of course, if you DID win the lottery, you’d spend every cent of it inside the store, so that’s kind of a wash.

You’re a mean one

One of you scamps sent me a great Christmas card, with the grouchy green Grinch leering from the cover, and then signed it only as “Santa.” I don’t know which of you sent it, but I appreciate your holiday greetings nonetheless. I dare say it’s one of the nicest death threats I’ve ever received.

Snow is falling

I’m pretty sure my truck got battered by snowballs during the storm on Wednesday whilst I was driving up Webster Street in Lewiston. This warms my cockles. For many years I’ve been lamenting the fact that kids don’t throw snowballs at cars like we – I mean, THEY – used to do back in the day. That’s just good wholesome fun right there. I would’ve slammed on my brakes and chased them on foot just for the thrill of it if I could’ve been sure I wouldn’t run into one of those big gawmy kids like the ones from my old neighborhood.



I could have sworn this was a real word. Where I come from, it was used to describe those clumsy, enormous galoots who couldn’t move so fast but who were unspeakably strong and often unpredictable. Turns out the term is exclusive to certain parts of Maine. Why, it’s even in the Maine-English Dictionary.


This may be my last query of 2013, by golly. Are you a fan of stuff? Do you make your own or travel to Canada just to get some? I don’t care if you secretly fill your tub with the stuff and bathe in it. If you have a personal relationship with Poutine, I want to hear about it. Send your thoughts to


Number of days until spring training. But who’s counting, right?

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