PITTSFIELD (AP) — A Purple Heart medal awarded to a soldier injured in World War I is being returned to his family in Maine.

Sheila Bedi of Vershire, Vt., found the medal belonging to the late Pfc. Frank E. Conroy after an uncle passed away. She was joining Vermont National Guard Capt. Zachariah Fike in traveling to Pittsfield, Maine, on Thursday to give the medal to Conroy’s cousin.

Conroy was born in 1894 in Lynn, Mass., and enlisted into the Army in Syracuse, N.Y. He was wounded in France and lived in Portland, Maine, after the war.

Fike is the founder of Purple Hearts Reunited, who assisted in locating Conroy’s surviving family. The nonprofit locates lost or stolen military medals and returns them to veterans or their families to honor their sacrifice.

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