INDUSTRY — Voters agreed to buy a new plow truck and sander at town meeting on Saturday afternoon, Second Selectman Robert A. Geisser said by early evening.

About 50 to 60 people participated in the meeting that began at 2 p.m. and ended at 3:45 p.m.

“It was quick and painless,” Geisser said.

Townspeople were asked if they wanted to authorize selectmen to negotiate and purchase a 2013 or newer plow truck and sander. The truck and equipment would have to meet the same specifications as the plow and sander truck bought in 2009.

Yearly payments are not to exceed $20,000 for up to six years. The down payment won’t exceed $50,000 and will come from the town’s undesignated fund balance.

By approving each article, voters agreed that $399,570 would be raised and appropriated for the municipal budget. The amount is $8,842.44 more than last year.

Geisser said the new Building Setback Ordinance they approved is less restrictive than the old one. That one had 60 feet as the road setback for structures while the new one requires 50 feet.

In the only municipal election, First Selectman Lee Ireland was re-elected to a three-year term.

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