FARMINGTON — A change at the intersection of Front and Main streets is expected to help ease a tricky turn.

About 120 feet of curbing will be added along Front Street next to McDonald’s, Denis Castonguay, Farmington Public Works director, recently told members of the town’s Road Advisory Committee.

Front Street will be squared off to a 90-degree angle with the curbing and loam. The stop sign will be moved out, he said.

This will give McDonald’s a little more lawn space but hopefully prevent drivers from making a quick move around the curve, he said.

People coming down Front Street stop and look to the left to see what’s coming on Main Street and if it’s clear make the turn, he said. But often there is a driver trying to make a left turn into McDonald’s parking lot, creating a potential for an accident.

The McDonald’s turn is just feet from the intersection stop sign. Some members of the committee said the fast-food restaurant entrance should never have been allowed so close to the intersection.


Other road projects this summer include an overlay on Clay Hill and a final pavement on Voter Hill and Front Street, he said.

In the second year of the town’s five-year road plan, total reconstruction on Morrison Hill is starting.

“All of Morrison Hill, over 9,000 feet, will be done,” he said. “This is larger than last summer’s work on Voter Hill at 8,000 feet.”

A previous plan for overlay work on Prescott Street has been postponed, he said, to provide for Morrison Hill work.

“It really needs it,” he said. 

Roads were prioritized for the plan. Voter, Morrison Hill, Porter Hill and Titcomb Hill roads along with Mohawk, Seminole and Shawnee drives were rated in poor condition.

The plan is available on the town website under the Public Works Department’s future projects.

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