DIXFIELD — Regional School Unit 10 Superintendent Craig King has rescheduled public forums on the future uses of school buildings for March. They are:

* Mountain Valley High School, Rumford, 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 10;

* Dirigo High School, Dixfield, 6:30 p.m. Monday, March 16; and

* Buckfield Junior-Senior High School, 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 24.

The forums were scheduled for January and February but snowstorms and high school basketball tournaments forced postponements.

The district’s Buildings and Grounds Committee and an architect have studied each school building for space, use, condition, and other factors, during the past year. They have devised several options to streamline and/or reconfigure the facilities. Three buildings will be considered for closure.

All three options call for closing the former Dixfield Elementary School Central Office and fitness center; Pennacook Learning Center, which is the former Virginia Elementary School, in Rumford; and Rumford Elementary School. One option includes closing Mountain Valley Middle School in Mexico.

Buckfield Junior-Senior High School and Hartford-Sumner Elementary School would not change.

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