This is in response to John Davis’ letter (March 31). He describes my bill as a pork barrel project for the St. Lawrence and Atlantic rail line to Lewiston-Auburn, and insists that the Pan-Am route to Royal Junction is a better investment.

The portion of the St. Lawrence and Atlantic rail line to Danville Junction in question is owned by the state, so investment in it would not be a pork barrel project, but would be an investment in an asset the state owns.

My amended legislation would direct the state to analyze both the St. Lawrence and Atlantic line from Yarmouth Junction and the Pan-Am rail line from Royal Junction in order to identify which would provide the best service and best return on state investment.

Davis advocates for state investment in the Pan-Am route without consideration of the state-owned line. I have no intent to determine which is the better route. I would leave that determination to the experts at the Department of Transportation and Northern New England Passenger Rail Authority.

I represent Lewiston and will continue to fight for its interest in having a passenger rail service connection to Portland and Boston. I support this project because of the economic development opportunities it would bring to Lewiston-Auburn, and because the people I represent would benefit from intercity rail service, as would visitors to our growing, vibrant and historical community.

Rep. Jared Golden, Lewiston

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