ANDOVER — Planning Board Chairman Mark Thurston told selectmen Tuesday night that the board should review Norman and Marc Gagnon’s proposed alterations to the Andover General Store & Diner on Main Street.

The Gagnon brothers told selectmen June 9 that they had applied to town officials for an on-premise liquor license. Norman Gagnon described what they have to do to the store’s interior to get the license from the Maine Bureau of Alcoholic Beverages.

At that meeting, selectmen advised the Gagnons to meet with the Planning Board in case the proposed changes need something from the board.

Thurston told selectmen Tuesday night the Gagnons hadn’t yet and worried aloud that they might not.

“I believe it is a change of use, because they want to go from a convenience store with a lunch bar to a Class A restaurant,” Thurston said. “That change of use would trigger a site plan review.”

Selectmen reiterated that they told the Gagnons to meet with the Planning Board.


In other business, selectmen voted 3-0 to sign an updated agreement with Oxford County, which pays the town for fire protection services in nearby unorganized territories. The fire protection services account has $8,000, fire Chief Justin Tibbetts said.

“What else you got?” Adler asked Tibbetts.

The chief said he wants to sell the 1996 Ford first-responder ambulance that has been parked at the sand and salt shed for an unknown period of time.

“We still pay insurance on that so there is a cost to the town that doesn’t need to be there,” Tibbetts said. “And it is completely unusable by the Fire Department . .  . I don’t need two ambulances.”

Tibbetts said he spoke with Dean Milligan, chief of Med-Care Ambulance, which stores one of its ambulances in the fire station, and got his permission to sell the 1996 Ford ambulance.

Rich motioned to put it out to bid, which was seconded and approved 3-0. The board asked Tibbetts to draft bid specifications.

Selectmen unanimously voted to have Code Enforcement Officer Robert Folsom Sr. inspect two buildings that selectmen want deemed as dangerous — East Andover Fire Station across from 486 East Andover Road and the building across from the town library, Rich said.

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