The result of the recent vote in Dixfield is confusing. Residents supported school withdrawal and, at the same time, blew the opportunity for the financial ability to support the move. Revenue sharing is still taxpayers’ money.

The Oxford economic development consultant said that if a business wants to come to Dixfield, don’t say “no,” say “how can we make this happen.” Patriot Renewables was the only one. Selectmen have not offered any other options.

What business won’t offend someone? Where will it be built? What isn’t government subsidized? How many times will we vote before they back out. We have voted three times already. Is Dixfield now considered unfriendly to business?

Four selectmen with their own agenda made sure the town lost tax dollars. When taxes increase will they blame the Planning Board, who they say is responsible for the restrictive wind ordinance? Will they need to be reminded of the lost revenue and who is responsible?

The oil spill in California is costing $3 million a day to clean up. In Iowa, schools own wind towers that supply the power to schools, then sell what they don’t use. Would parents let their children attend if it were unhealthy?

We are pro-Dixfield and pro-business, neither pro- nor anti-wind, and we are not getting paid. We have spent hours researching facts about wind power on unbiased, independent websites and the Maine Wind Power Moratorium online petition, an anti-wind Facebook page. It has opened our eyes. 

We encourage others to do some research.

Grayson and Andrea Child, Dixfield

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