Jack Kuchta, Hanover, is the new director of the Western Mountains Senior College (WMSC) “Prime Time Players.” Jack and his wife, Irene, who serves as Board Chair of WMSC, retired to Hanover in 2013. They purchased their home twelve years earlier as a vacation home to enjoy the winter sports offered by the area. In retirement, Jack quickly became integrated in his new community, serving on the boards of several volunteer organizations including the Hanover Planning Board.

Ross Timberlake, director of the Senior College Players at the time, encouraged Jack to join the troupe. He joined, acted in a couple of plays, and got “hooked.” When Ross was unable to continue as director this year, Jack agreed to step in the role of director.

Jack quickly put his “stamp” on the Players by changing the name of the troupe to “Prime Time Players,” to better describe the seasoned players. Jack studied many plays during the summer and came up with four short comedies that he tagged with the theme, “What Goes ‘round, comes ‘round.”

Kuchta will be assisted in directing the plays by Lorrie Hoeh, who worked with Timberlake during his term as director. The four brief comedies to be performed include: ”Drinks with Charles,” by Jim Gordon; “The Kindness of Strangers,” by Jim Gordon; “ The Tale that Wagged the Dog,” by Tim Kelly; and “The Bickerson’s,” an adaption of the Dec. 27, 1946 radio broadcast of The Bickerson’s. The performance will take place on Nov. 21 and 22, at the Gould Academy McLaughlin Auditorium, Bethel, at 7 p.m.

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