The Western Mountains Senior College (WMSC) serves primarily its member population of over-50-year-olds, but also has developed a rich tradition of reaching out to a wider community with free sessions open to the public.  One of these programs, the Brown Bag Lunch Series, is always participatory and has a facilitator to keep things moving, but not a presenter. Participants bring a bag lunch to these informal sessions. Topics have ranged from global issues to very local, and the upcoming session is purely for fun.

“Replaying the 60’s” will be at the Bethel Inn Library on Tuesday, January 26, 12:15-1:30 p.m., and the public is invited.  How do YOU remember the 60’s – as a child? a teen? a college student?  a newlywed?  In the manner of a Pub “Trivia Night,” we will intersperse the 60’s edition of Trivial Pursuit with other musical and visual playful pokes into the significance of that decade in our history. Join us for a purely fun time with our memories – and don’t forget your bag lunch.

We need to set up adequate chairs in the facility so we’d like your RSVP.  By January 23, please contact Nancy Davis if you plan to attend (381-1110,

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