100 years ago, 1916
According to all reports, business is rather quiet with the local rumsellers. There has been no change in the situation in this city for several weeks. Draught beer is not allowed, but there is said to be plenty of bottled beer and hard stuff of all kinds. There is understood to be keen competition in the business and some of the dealers declare they are not making any money and would welcome “strict enforcement.”

50 years ago, 1966
The retail price of gasoline advanced one and two cents a gallon locally earlier this week and more stations apparently posted the higher prices on Thursday. Regular grade gasoline now is selling at prices ranging from 27.9 cents a gallon, the price which prevailed throughout the area for about a year, to a high of 30.9 cents. Stations still selling at 27.9 cents have reported they also may be forced to boost the price.

25 years ago, 1991
Auburn city councilors on Monday will hear an advisory group’s report recommending that the city pursue efforts to locate a second Maine Turnpike interchange in Auburn, this one near South Main Street. The recommendation, which was unanimously adopted by the panel Jan. 10, came after three public hearings where the proposal received only scattered public support. Dozens of New Auburn residents opposed the project, saying increased traffic would lead to more congested roads in the neighborhood. They also said they did not want the area to be the home of new industries city officials hope the project will attract.

The material in Looking Back is reproduced exactly as it originally appeared, although misspellings and errors made at that time may be edited.

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