LEWISTON — Streetlights south of Pine and west of Park streets will be out until early Friday morning to repair damage from Thursday’s high winds.

City crews made quick work of two circuits that were knocked out by high winds early Thursday morning. But a third circuit, powering the downtown streetlights between Park and Canal streets, and Pine Street and Adams Avenue, would not be replaced until Friday, Public Works Director Dave Jones said.

“Unfortunately, two of my electricians are out — one on paternity leave and the other one on a long-planned vacation,” Jones said. “So I’m sitting here with one guy, and we are keeping a very careful eye on him as he tries to solve the problem.”

The circuits control the streetlights, but not buildings or traffic signals, Jones said.

Jones said the three circuits were knocked out sometime after midnight Thursday by high winds.

“It was mostly that they got hit with flying debris or branches that got in the wires and tripped the fuses,” Jones said.


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