Greenwood will hold a special Town Meeting March 1 at 6 p.m. at the Town Office to vote on a $750,000 capital project that consists of the reconstruction and repaving of several roads in town.

The work would be funded through the issuance of general obligation bonds. The estimated interest would be $45,593, according to the warrant.
The warrant for the meeting was approved at Tuesday’s selectmen’s meeting.
The roads include Richardson Hollow, Patch Mountain and Hayes Hill, according to Town Manager Kim Sparks.
The issue needs to be considered now, rather than at the annual Town Meeting in May, because the timing for issuing of bonds by the state bond bank does not work for the annual Town Meeting, Sparks said.
In other business Tuesday, selectmen signed a resolution supporting the regional Age Friendly Community project, which the towns of Bethel and Woodstock have also joined.
The project is currently focusing on providing better transportation resources for senior citizens, the disabled and isolated residents.

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