LISBON — The Town Council voted Tuesday night to recommend passage of an article to change the deadline for circulating and filing nomination papers for elected office.

The annual town meeting warrant article would amend the town charter to allow time to program voting machines, and print and ship ballots.

The warrant will be presented to voters at the polls from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. June 13 in the Lisbon High School gym.

The council also voted to adopt the amended Kelly Park Municipal Development and Tax-Increment Financing District and Development Program, reducing acreage from 48.96 to 15.44. The new assessed value is $158,610. 

Another change would shelter 100 percent of the new value, with 40 percent dedicated to the town’s economic development projects and 60 percent to the developer.

“This TIF is just for real estate only, this is not for personal property,” said Tracey Steuber, Economic and Community Development director.


The council scheduled public hearings for:

• The school budget at 7 p.m. May 9 in the Lisbon Community School.

• The town budget at 7 p.m. June 20 at the Town Office. The council will vote on the budget June 27.

• An application for a U.S. Department of Agriculture Rural Development grant at 7 p.m. April 18 at the Town Office. The town is looking for $9 million to complete sewer projects.

The next budget workshop is at 7 p.m. Tuesday, April 11, at the Town Office to consider the Public Works Department request.

Last month, Town Manager Diane Barnes announced a proposed municipal budget of $9.5 million for 2017-18. It is 19.2 percent more than this fiscal year.


The chiefs of the police and fire departments presented their budget requests last week. 

Police Chief Marc Hagan asked for $2.01 million, which includes increases for professional development, retirement plan contributions, uniforms and safety equipment for two new full-time officers, and a school resource officer.

The proposed communications budget is $348,480, an increase of 9.7 percent over this fiscal year; the animal control budget is $91,794, which is 5.6 percent more than this year. Both budgets fall under Hagan’s responsibilities.

Fire Chief Sean Galipeau’s proposed budget of $529,621 is a 19.3 percent increase from this fiscal year.

“The capital (reserve account) line maintains the apparatus replacement and refurbishment plan that was approved by the selectmen in 2004,” Galipeau said. “This line reflects a major increase in this year’s proposal.”

The capital reserve account is budgeted at $150,000 for 2017-18, an increase of $75,000 from this fiscal year.

Library Director Diane Nadeau also presented a proposed budget of $271,214, slightly more than $257,468 for this year. Most of the increase is for wages, medical insurance and supplies.

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