POLAND — Low bids for paving, centerline striping and crack-sealing on town roads were approved by selectmen Tuesday evening.

Public Works Director Adam Strout said the bids were “all very close.”

The paving contract was awarded to Glidden Excavating and Paving for $304,239.

The contract for centerline striping went to Poirier Guidelines for $8.549.

The contract for crack-sealing went to Proseal for $13,894.

In other business, selectmen discussed setting a date for a meeting of the Community and Economic Development Committee on Tax-Increment Financing districts, and for a special town meeting.


The town manager search continues, according to Stanley L. Tetenman, vice chairman of the board. He said only one candidate has come forward in the first round.

Deadline for further applications is May 12, with review of the candidates planned for May 23.

He said it is hoped the search will end by June 12 or 13, and a finalist introduced by June 21. A town manager could be named by late June, he said.

Acting Town Manager Mark Bosse said Code Enforcement Officer Nick Adams has submitted his resignation, effective in the near future.

The board also:

• Signed the Regional School Unit 16 bus bay lease agreement, pending school committee action:


• Signed a proclamation for Municipal Clerks Week, May 7-13;

• Unanimously approved a renewal of a beano license for the Poland Sno-Travelers;

• Approved payables totaling $968,219; and

• Heard from Executive Assistant Nikki M. Pratt, who said she will continue to work in the next 30 days with property owners on tax payments that are in arrears.

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