Oxford Planning Board

Thursday, May 11,

Town Office

Oxford mill revitalization

What happened: The board reviewed and signed an updated plan for Oxford Mill Revitalization, the former Robinson Manufacturing Co. woolen mill on King Street. 

What it means: The plan on record for one of two houses on the mill property that is being sold was inaccurate.


What’s next: Owner Chuck Starbird will submit a revised plan showing the town’s easement for the municipal wastewater pump on the property.

Shoreland zoning application

What happened: Tom Sawicki applied to build a deck approximately 26 feet from the high-water mark in the resource protection zone. The property is at 69 Lakewood Drive.

What it means: Sawicki wanted to build a deck about half way down the steep embankment off a set of steps to the water. Because state law does not allow a structure that close to the water, Code Enforcement Officer Joelle Corey-Whitman and board members suggested he find another solution such as building a small retaining wall and patio area instead.

What’s next: Sawicki will contact the Maine Department of Environmental Protection for an on-site visit and, with Corey-Whitman, determine some options before returning to the Planning Board.

Building storage


What happened: Scott Sessions, owner of Great Scott Storage, asked about placing a fifth storage building on his property at 1264 Main St.

What’s next: The board said it was not necessary to go through a site plan application but asked him to return with an updated document that shows when the other four units were placed and marks the site of the new one.

What’s next: If he does so, Corey-Whitman could issue a building permit for the new unit.

Marijuana grow facility

What happened: The board tabled a preliminary site plan review from Stevenson Enterprises for a marijuana grow facility in the former Burlington Homes manufacturing plant at 517 Main St. Board members discussed how to deal with approval of a previous application at the site that asked for a setback of just over 159 feet from the property line. The town ordinance requires a 250-foot setback.

What’s next: Corey-Whitman will contact the Maine Municipal Association for guidance before the board determines its next step.



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