100 years ago, 1917
The meeting which Sheriff Stevens, head of the registration board for Androscoggin county, arranged some time ago, was held in the court room of the county building Thursday night. The meeting was for the purpose of clearing up any details which were not fully understood by the registrars and this purpose was accomplished. There were about sixty of the registrars appointed by the board present. The registering will take place in the regular polling places of the cities and towns. The speed at which the registering will have to be carried out will not permit of any arguments. Anyone starting an argument will be summarily dealt with.

50 years ago, 1967
Television personality Jack Paar announced in New York today that Mount Washington TV, Inc., which operates WMTW-TV and FM at Poland Spring, has been sold to Mid-New York Broadcasting corporation of Utica, N.Y. A spokesman for the firm said Paar’s future plans include extensive travel in Europe and Africa. He also said that no inference should be made as a result of the sale that Paar plans to return to network television. Paar purchased the company more than three years ago. At the time of the sale, Paar owned 98.5 percent of the firm. An additional one percent was held by former Maine Gov. Horace A. Hildreth.

25 years ago, 1992
Would you be interested in owning a three-bedroom co-op unit in the Millhouse neighborhood, with green space and off-street parking, for about $30,000, interest-free? If you are, you may want to show up for a meeting with Androscoggin Habitat for Humanity at the Multi-Purpose Center Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. Habitat “wants to get a feeling from the community as to interest in owning and becoming involved in a co-op in the Millhouse,” said Sylvia Hudson, housing and community development planner for the city. The building’s location is not being made public to protect negotiations.

The material in Looking Back is reproduced exactly as it originally appeared, although misspellings and errors made at that time may be edited.

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