100 years ago, 1917
They danced at Lewiston City hall, Tuesday evening, in the midst of the red, white and blue flags, blue shafts from the spotlights and the shining and dimming of the festoons of red, white and blue incandescence. It goes down in our contemporary history of the great world-war as “The Registration Day Ball” and we have to thank Mr. Alfred J. Sweet of Lewiston, head of the Lunn & Sweet Shoe company of Auburn, for its inception, its financing, its management and best of all for the generous and sympathetic spirit that suggested it. Mr. Sweet’s personal efforts for this affair must have been taxing in connection with his large business concerns.

50 years ago, 1967
Lewiston’s school patrol boys departed at 8:15 this morning for their annual outing at Bear Pond, North Turner. Acting Police Chief John W. Harkins said the boys left the city building in three buses. The annual event is a reward to the boys, by the city, for their work during the school year, directing school children safely across Lewiston’s streets on their way to and from school. Harkins noted that the patrol girls will have their day tomorrow. The girls will be picked up at their respective schools at 9 a.m. Wednesday and taken to Paradise Park, where they’ll have a day full of fun.

25 years ago, 1992
As part of a theater exchange program with Moscow, Lewiston-Auburn’s Community Little Theatre Corp. will host Russia’s world-famous Class Center Youth Theatre. Under the direction of Sergei Karzarnovsky, the Russian actors will present “Anaky Banaky,” a collection of Russian fairy tales, and a rock production of “Romeo and Juliet” on July 30, 31 and Aug. I. To complete the exchange, CLT will sponsor a group of actors, directed by John Blanchette, to perform in Moscow in June 1993.

The material in Looking Back is reproduced exactly as it originally appeared, although misspellings and errors made at that time may be edited.

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