LIVERMORE — Voters will be asked to approve a budget of almost $3.65 million at the annual town meeting at 7 p.m. Wednesday, June 14, at the Spruce Mountain Primary School.

Also among the 58 articles to be considered is one to purchase a new truck purchase, to raise money for the possible discontinuance of two town roads, to establish a reserve account for a property revaluation in 2020 and to adopt new or revised ordinances.

Selectpersons and the Budget Committee recommended different amounts for four items in the budget. Selectpersons recommended $350,000 for capital road improvement projects. During the budget meetings, committee member Warren Forbes said he was concerned the amount requested each year has escalated. He recommended $330,000, the amount approved by voters last year. The committee agreed with him.

Selectpersons recommended $3,000 more for the cemetery account to pay to remove a large tree that was struck by lightning at Waters Hill Cemetery. They also favored an additional $1,872 under the Transfer Station for a pay increase to bring employee Jim Bryant’s salary in line with similar employees and $250 under the Planning Board in anticipation of added costs associated with hiring a new Code Enforcement Officer. Current CEO Richard Marble of Farmington is retiring in August.

If all amounts recommended by selectpersons are approved, the total budget, including taxes for the county and Regional School Unit 73, will be about $3.65 million, a 3.1 percent increase. If the Budget Committee’s numbers are favored, the budget will be $25,122 less.

Voters will be asked to approve a bond of up to $189,000 to purchase a new truck for the Highway Department. An estimated 3.21 percent interest on the five-year bond would mean additional costs of $16,725, bringing the total debt service to $205,725. Foreman Roger Ferland has obtained an estimate of $186,000 for a 2017 Volvo wheeler truck.


Town officials are considering discontinuing Nelson Pond and Wyman roads. Maine Municipal Association recommends the town perform an independent assessment for each road to establish a fair value for damages to the residents on those roads. Two separate articles ask voters to raise and appropriate up to $7,000 for each road.

Livermore is due for a revaluation of properties in 2020. Voters will also be asked to raise and appropriate $130,000 over the next three years and create a revaluation reserve account. If approved, $45,000 would be raised in fiscal year 2018, $44,000 in 2019 and $41,000 in 2020.

Voters will also be asked to consider several new or revised ordinances. An  Ordinance Prohibiting Retail Marijuana Establishments and Retail Marijuana Social Clubs in the Municipality of Livermore and the Limited Commercial Zoning Ordinance are new. Revised Shoreland Zoning and Building Ordinances will also be voted on. Copies of the ordinances are available for review and inspection at the town office.

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