Maple Mania, the seventh annual gathering of the Maine Maple Producers Association, was held in Farmington June 8, 9 and 10. On Friday, three busloads of about 100 participants toured six local sap house operations and stopped for a picnic lunch at Farmington Fairgrounds. A piece of maple cream pie was offered at the association’s building. A trade show and technical sessions were also offered over the weekend at the University of Maine at Farmington. In the photos, an older sap collector, one drawn by horses and now on display, catches the eye of Tim Bockus, right, of Richford, Vermont.  

During Maple Mania held June 8-10 in Farmington, the seventh annual gathering of the Maine Maple Producers Association, Claude Doyon, right, of Wilton remembers the days when his grandfather used a similar tub on display at Farmington Fairgrounds to collect maple sap. The tub was drawn by horses, he told Tom Walters, left, of Industry. About 100 participants in Maple Mania toured local sap house operations on Friday and stopped for a picnic at the Farmington Fairgrounds. The event, held at the University of Maine at Farmington, provided time for workshops and equipment displays.

Maple Mania, the seventh annual gathering of the Maine Maple Producers Association, was held in Farmington June 8, 9 and 10. On Friday, three busloads of about 100 participants toured six local sap house operations and stopped for a picnic lunch at Farmington Fairgrounds. A piece of maple cream pie was offered at the association’s building. A trade show and technical sessions were also offered during the event held at the University of Maine at Farmington.

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