100 years ago, 1917
Lewiston and Auburn may well be proud of the Liberty Bond response. The allotment of $1,200,000 is all but reached. The table points the way to rise with honor in the first call that Uncle Sam for liberty and humanity has made on Lewiston and Auburn. When you hear the bells ring their message Thursday night, it means an urgent appeal to you, to your home and to your faith in a better world. If you haven’t subscribed, go to your bank and open a Liberty Loan account. “Bonds Rather Than Bondage” has become a slogan in various parts of the country. On the streets in Lewiston and Auburn, the main topic was “Liberty Loan.” In short, the community is waking to the facts that America has enemies.

50 years ago, 1967
A Lewiston school official today had no comment to make following reports in circulation that St. Dominic’s High School, or a part of it, might have to be closed unless a teacher shortage problem is remedied School Superintendent-elect Joseph Deschenes, said. “It is premature to make a statement at this time since no official decision has been made concerning the closing of the school.” It was reported there is a shortage of about 22 teachers at both the high school and the parish elementary school.

25 years ago, 1992
Construction workers are nearing completion of the boat launch near the Lewiston-Auburn Water Pollution Control Authority in Lewiston to provide public access to the Androscoggin River. “The ramp will be limited to smaller, fishing- type boats though,” said Jeff Hutchinson, land use inspection officer. “We don’t want to create a policy of allowing large 30-footer-type boats using it.” The ramp has already been installed, the parking area is in place and the ramp will be open to the public by July 1. In addition, work at Cedar Park is also making head way after a week-long setback.

The material in Looking Back is reproduced exactly as it originally appeared, although misspellings and errors made at that time may be edited.

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