100 years ago, 1917
The Auburn police department has strict orders to report slackers, and a notice to that effect has been posted in the station. Any man whom they have reason to believe has avoided registration must be asked to show his blue card, and in event he cannot show it or explain satisfactorily its absence, he will be reported to the sheriff.

50 years ago, 1967
“You oughta have a sign,” a passerby commented to Minot contractor Dwight R. Nichols the other day as the latter completed demolition of a large wooden building at the corner of Hampshire and Spring streets, Auburn, “You’re right,” Nichols replied, and the next morning, among the rocks and rubble, was a freshly painted sign proclaiming the area as “Death Valley.” The contractor expected to complete backfilling of the property today and top off the area with a coat of gravel.

25 years ago, 1992
The Auburn Parks and Recreation Department maintenance crews have had a hefty schedule recently. Their projects include replacement of roofs on the two Pettengill Park baseball field dugouts; replacement of roofs on the concession stand and bathroom at the Municipal Beach in East Auburn; construction of a clay pitcher’s mound at Pettengill Park; preparation of baseball and softball fields; clean-up and mowing of the Municipal Beach and Lake Auburn traffic islands; and mowing islands in the vicinity of the Veterans Memorial Bridge, Auburn Mall and Turner Street.

The material in Looking Back is reproduced exactly as it originally appeared, although misspellings and errors made at that time may be edited.

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