Looking Back on June 16
100 years ago, 1917
Suffragists who can appear in automobiles with the yellow decorations or banners are urged to assemble for the Red Cross parade with the automobile section. Others in sympathy with the suffrage cause, tho they drive in the parade for the Red Cross or some other society, are asked to show their suffrage colors also, even if only with one pennant, “Votes for Women.”

50 years ago, 1967
Thirty Corpswomen from the Florist Aide Course at the Poland Spring Job Corps Center will begin Monday to assist in the “Keep Auburn Beautiful” campaign, in cooperation with Mrs. Lyndon H. Johnson’s drive to beautify America. On a basis of five Corpswomen a day, the trainees from the Florist Aide program will dig flower beds, plant geraniums and shrubs, starting with the Auburn City Building Monday morning at 9:30. The Auburn Library, the Androscoggin County Building and the Auburn Post Office are all on the list of “Buildings To Be Beautified.”

25 years ago, 1992
The Durham Parents Club has undertaken an ambitious long-range project to improve, renovate and add new equipment to the elementary school playground that could take up to three years or more to complete. After hearing a presentation by a liaison of a special sub-committee of the Parents Club, David Stewart, the School Committee gave the group the green light to begin safety-oriented renovations such as drainage and repairs to damaged equipment this summer. Fund raising for the project is slated to get under way within the next few weeks.

The material in Looking Back is reproduced exactly as it originally appeared, although misspellings and errors made at that time may be edited.

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