Lewiston mayoral candidate Ben Chin does more than talk about issues; he puts forth realistic solutions and works hard to see them realized.

Despite not winning the 2015 run-off election, many of Chin’s platform issues were moved forward by the Lewiston City Council, including increased code enforcement (especially with respect to irresponsible landlords); preventing the “pay-as-you-throw” garbage bag proposal from going forward and helping to integrate new Maine residents into the community, where they are beginning to thrive.

He is one of the first in the state to tackle the opioid addiction crisis, proposing solutions focusing on treatment options, not costly and often inhumane incarceration. He has now put forward an exciting tax fairness proposal that would utilize new state resources to reduce taxes on seniors, single- and two-family homeowners, and responsible landlords.

Ben Chin is a man of ideas and has the commitment to improve Lewiston, a community he loves.

Jim Lysen, Lewiston

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