POLAND — Dominic Ferry is all smiles after dozens of people donated more than 400 blankets to his cause, “Quiet Cries,” which helps children caught up in domestic violence.

As reported in a Dec. 19 Sun Journal story, Dominic, 12, held a blanket drive at Whittier Middle School to help children exposed to domestic violence, as he was. Blankets, he said, are both comforting and warm.

As of Dec. 27, “we’ve got 446 blankets and they’re still coming in,” said his grandfather, Don Ferry.

They have also received $450 in cash, which will be used to help provide counseling to children to break the cycle of domestic violence “so they know what they witnessed is not normal,” Ferry said.

In the story, Dominic shared how he witnessed domestic violence and the impact it had on him.

“People related to his cause,” Ferry said. “There are many survivors out there who realize this is a good thing.”


All of the blankets will be delivered to shelters and safe houses in Androscoggin and Oxford counties.

“Isn’t he lovely?” Safe Voices Executive Director Elise Johansen said of Dominic Ferry.

Don Ferry said he and his grandson are grateful to those who donated.

“Dominic is over the moon,” his grandfather said. 

Popular pesto recipe

On Wednesday, we ran a story on how Lewiston High School students liked a new pesto developed by high school students in the St. Mary’s Nutrition Center Youth Campaign Crew. The pesto has been a hit and is being incorporated into the school menu.


In case you want to try it yourself, here is the recipe provided by Sarah Ullman, coordinator of the Youth Campaign Crew:

Spinach and Mustard Green Pesto

3 cloves garlic 
1 cup spinach 
1 cup mustard greens
1/2 cup roasted sunflower seeds
3/4 cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese
Kosher salt, to taste
1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil
2 tablespoon lemon juice

Separate and peel the garlic cloves, throw everything into a food processor. Done.


Dominic Ferry shows off a pile of blankets donated to help children caught up in domestic violence. Blanket donations have been pouring in. “He’s over the moon,” said his grandfather, Don Ferry. (Submitted photo.) 

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