100 years ago: 1918

Maine dealers will be required to adopt some system to provide for an equitable distribution of sugar. Dr. Leon S. Merrill, the Federal Food administrative, made it plain to the distributors of Maine, that a square deal was the only question involved and that his office included the necessary authority to obtain it

50 Years ago: 1968

It seemed strange today to stroll through the Bates campus today, during the class reunions, and not seeing anyone sporting long hair or wearing weird fashions so popular with college students today.

25 Years ago: 1993

When Joshua Gallagher, 8, of Sabattus saw something floating In the corner of the swimming pool he was about to dive Into, he realized right away there was something wrong. Two-year-old Patrick Carpenter was drowning. “His cheeks were fat and filled with water,” said the boy during a recent interview. “I just reached over the edge of the pool and grabbed him under the arms and pulled and pulled until he was out of the water,” On June 26, Joshua and his family had joined the Carpenters for an afternoon cookout at a Lewiston home. “After preparations for dinner began, Patrick played quietly with a badminton racket near the pool,” said Patrick’s mother. “And the next thing I knew Josh was calling for help, saying Patrick had fallen into the pool.” Joshua, the son of Dionne and Tan Gallagher of Sabattus, seemed to be taking the incident in stride. When asked if he felt like a hero, he said “No,” and asked whether be knew he had saved Patrick’s life, he answered, “Sure. His father and I are very proud of him” said Dionne.

The material in Looking Back is reproduced exactly as it originally appeared in the Sun Journal, although misspellings and errors made at that time may be corrected.

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