LIVERMORE FALLS — On Aug. 7 Selectmen changed the guidelines for use of the ball fields and approved putting drug forfeiture moneys in the DARE account.

Selectman Nixon Ortiz said the town’s ball fields had been damaged during Saturday’s rainy weather.

“If it’s raining, they shouldn’t be playing on the fields,” he said.

Town Manager Stephen Gould said the town would need a system to determine when teams can’t play.

“It’s a judgment call,” he said.

Lt. Joseph Sage, Livermore Falls Police Department, said a standard such as standing water or rain duration would be needed.


By consensus the board agreed that games would not be played if windshield wipers need to run continuously.

For more information call the town office at 897-3321 or the police department at 897-3424.

At the August 7 Livermore Falls Selectmen meeting, it was voted to move to the DARE account money seized by the police department. Pictured from left during the vote are Selectmen Rod Heikkinen and Nixon Ortiz, Town Manager Stephen Gould and Selectmen George Cummings and Sarah Flagg. Selectman Heather Bronish was absent. (Pam Harnden/Livermore Falls Advertiser)

The police department recently seized $550 cash during a drug raid. The Selectmen unanimously voted to move the money to the DARE account.

Gould had said there were restrictions on where such moneys could be used.

In other business, Gould said the park benches would be painted prior to the Apple-Pumpkin Festival. There are no jail workers available to do the painting.

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