Livermore Falls Fire Chief Edward Hastings IV, right, discusses a proposal Tuesday night at the Town Office to spend up to $10,000 for a feasibility study on town property that could be used for a fire station in East Livermore. Residents will vote on the proposal Nov. 6. (Donna M. Perry/Sun Journal)
LIVERMORE FALLS — More than a dozen residents attended a public hearing Tuesday on a proposal to use up to $10,000 from the town’s surplus fund to conduct a study of property for a new fire station.
Voters will consider the question at the polls, which will be open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 6, at the Town Office.
Voters at the annual town meeting in June agreed to explore the possibility of building a fire station in the East Livermore section of town.
The town foreclosed on a property on Route 106 that has a mobile home and a garage. The property — about 3½ acres — is near the entrance to Pine Ridge Loop mobile home park.
The money would be used to conduct a feasibility study on the property to determine if it is suitable for a fire station. Another property might be considered, too.
Former Selectman Tom Barker came to Fire Chief Edward Hastings IV in 2016 and told him there was some desire to have a fire station in the East Livermore section, according to Hastings.
It is a decision residents will have to make, he said, noting he was neither for nor against building another fire station.
At Tuesday’s meeting, the chief projected a map on a wall that identified residences that are not within 5 miles of a fire station. These residences includes much of East Livermore.
Hastings said when people buy insurance for their homes, insurance companies notice when dwellings are more than 5 miles from a fire station, and this is reflected in owners’ premiums.
Town Manager Stephen Gould said the town-acquired property looks suitable for a fire station, but he was not sure if the well and the septic system are viable. A number of items would have to be checked.
Residents mentioned another piece of property owned by a Leeds resident that had been considered previously.
The town’s hydrant district goes from the Jay line to PalletOne on Route 133.
Some residents spoke in favor of building a station, while others had more questions.
“I don’t disagree that it would be nice to have a fire station in that area,” resident Bob Jones said.
He advised residents to consider that the town had just spent more than $700,000 to renovate the existing fire station, and there is need to upgrade firetrucks.
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