A pro-Trump, out-of-state PAC has pledged $1 million to help Bruce Poliquin be re-elected to Congress. What may sound strange is that Poliquin has never publicly endorsed Trump. However, to many who have tried to meet with Poliquin, or get a response on important issues, this is not a surprise. He refuses to publicly take positions so he will not have to defend stands that are consistently at odds with the interests of his constituents.

His often unsolicited letters, paid for by taxpayers, imply he is a great supporter of the ACA, Medicare and Social Security when, in fact, he has continued to support budgets that would undermine those important programs.

Fortunately, there is a great candidate in Jared Golden who will work hard to preserve democracy, protect important programs and return accountability and openness to governing.

I invite Democrats, Republicans and independents to join me in voting for Jared Golden.

Jim Lysen, Lewiston

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