CMP needs to get back into the service industry before we are all literally left in the dark!

Central Maine Power’s service and line departments have been so minimized that trying to get appointments are months in the future versus days or a week. Being a self-employed electrician for more than 40years, I have never seen waiting times, whether on the phone trying to get a representative or the actual appointment for service, in order to serve my customers. Responses from the PUC have been a waste of time and effort, so it seems Maine is on its own.

CMP personal are very apologetic and side with their customers, because their hands are tied. Maybe other countries should not be allowed buy into important interest (utilities), as the public loses control of the power needed to keep homes and businesses going.

Where the PUC has failed, the only hope is the governor, who has proven himself (many times over) to be a great steward for the state of Maine. Action is needed now before people are left in the dark.

Steven Goulet, Greene

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