STRONG — Local firefighters this week questioned selectmen about how the Fire Department payroll in calculated.

Long-serving fireman Ian Shamp said some firefighters put in extra hours that they weren’t compensated for, even though there appeared to be money in the department’s budget. 

Shamp attended a selectmen meeting Tuesday with Ryan Allen and Matt Stevens, also longtime firemen.  

In reviewing Fire Department salaries and stipends, selectmen questioned why Fire Chief Duayne Boyd receives a $4,500 annual stipend and hourly pay for training and responding to calls, as do other firefighters.

Selectman Rodney Spiller asked for clarification on the difference in the two types of payments Boyd receives.

“Isn’t that what the stipend is for?” he asked. “Am I not reading the line items right?”


Selectman Rodney Cook, the Fire Department liaison to the board, said Boyd was entitled to earn hourly income, as well as the stipend. He has to account for those hours, as well as his salaried hours as a town employee.

Selectman Rob Elliott suggested listing the $4,500 stipend in the 2018 annual report separately from the hourly wages to clarify for voters how Boyd is paid. Selectman Mike Pond told the three firefighters they should be asking Boyd rather than the selectmen for an explanation of any compensation issues.

“Don’t ask here,” said Pond. “Ask down there.”

In other business, selectmen amended the week’s warrant to pay Northland Custom Flooring $6,885 for replacing basement flooring damaged in August flooding. They allocated the remaining $776 of insurance reimbursement money to add mopboards. They also approved spending $1,300 to have the company replace flooring in the selectmen’s office.


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