October 17, 2019
6:00 PM


Article 1:          To choose a moderator to preside at said meeting.

Article 2:          To see if the Town will authorize the selectmen to spend $139,900 from undesignated                                  fund balance for the purchase of a trash compactor and steel transfer trailer.



Call to Order / Flag Salute
Chairman Scott Hunter will preside.

Action on Minutes
Action on minutes dated October 3, 2019.

Adjustments to Agenda –

Public comments – Please state your name and Town that you are from for the record

Old Business

New Business


Presentation by Zhenya Shevchenko on the operations and needs of the Waste Water Treatment Facility

Discussion with Jim Bennett on purchase of an excavator

Discussion on School Resource Officer position for the Oxford Elementary School.

To accept a donation from Oxford Hills Funeral Services for $100.00 towards 85-01-85-36 Fire Equipment.

To approve the Application for the Ocean Pearl’s yearly Liquor License.
Request to waive the public hearing – in business over 5 years with no violations.

To accept the resignation from the Oxford Recreation Committee from Donna Landry.


To approve the abatements/Supplementals for the Personal Property accounts that were committed with inaccurate values, owners or in some cases both.

Signing of the Municipal Valuation Return.

Discuss and set fees for the Transfer Station.

Town Manager’s Report

Selectmens’ Items

Sign warrants 46, 47, 48, 49, and 50


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