LEWISTON — Trinity Episcopal Church will host multi-faith celebration to bless a new peace pole in the church’s memorial garden and dedicate it also as a peace park.
The celebration will be held at 11:30 a.m. Sunday, Nov. 3, at 247 Bates St., Lewiston. Refreshments will follow.
The redesign of the small pocket park is Trinity Church’s effort in the Healthy Neighborhoods initiative and part of the church’s long commitment to the neighborhood. The park is envisioned as a place where people can sit to reflect and pray for peace.
The new pole was designed and created by local artist Melanie Therrian and includes the word “Peace” in a dozen languages that are now spoken in the Lewiston area. The new benches and beds were created by youth and volunteers from The Root Cellar.
Next spring, native plantings will be added to create a bird and pollinator friendly oasis.
The peace pole and garden additions were made possible by a grant from Healthy Neighborhoods.

Artist Melanie Therrian of Wicked Illustrations shows the peace pole she created for Trinity Episcopal Church’s memorial garden at 247 Bates St. in Lewiston. A blessing ceremony will be held at 11:30 a.m. Sunday, Nov. 3.


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