TURNER — With COVID-19 still wreaking havoc with town business, the Turner is postponing its annual Town Meeting until a traditional gathering can be held.

In the meantime, according to Town Manager Kurt Schaub, the town will commit fiscal year 2021 taxes and operate under a budget that is identical to fiscal year 2020, which ended June 30.

The arrangement is not without its problems.

“Our selectmen are aware that there are some departments than cannot operate under the funding provided last year,” Schaub explained, “and that there are some commitments for funds that are no longer relevant. When the meeting is held, the warrant articles will consist of transferring funds from one area to another, with no change in the total allocation.

“As with all good intentions, however, there is a fly in the ointment,” Schaub continued. “Our budget committee and Board of Selectmen prepared their budget proposals back in January. The annual town report, which includes the proposed budgets and relevant warrant, was printed in early March, in anticipation of mailing it to residents in advance of the originally anticipated April 4 town meeting.

The reports have been sitting in the printer’s warehouse ever since, Schaub said.

“Since the report contains reports and other information of interest to our residents,” Schaub said, “our selectmen recently agreed to move forward and mail them, with a sticker on the cover that reads, ‘Due to COVID, town meeting will be rescheduled with a revised budget and warrant. Thank you for your patience.'”

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