We are fortunate to have a candidate for state House District 72 who is a health care professional: Jen Blastow of Otisfield. She knows the issues we have navigating the health insurance bureaucracy and paying for prescriptions after 18 years as a nurse practitioner in the Oxford Hills area.

Jen’s second most important issue, and motivation for running, is her concern about climate change, a concern of so many of us in HD 72 with the lakes and clean air we get to enjoy now under threat.

Jen is a parent with two girls in the Oxford Hills school system. She knows us and shares our day-to-day issues. As a marathon runner who finishes the race, she has demonstrated her determination, focus, and tenacity.

If voters want someone who is knowledgeable about their issues and who cares about them, her neighbors, they should vote for Jen Blastow for representative of HD 72.

Karen Turino, Otisfield

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