HALLOWELL — Maine’s chapter of the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI Maine) has announced the launch of Mantherapy, a new web-based mental health resource platform for males in Maine.

Mantherapy is designed for men who align themselves with traditional roles of masculinity, who may be reluctant to seek help for or who struggle with articulating mental health concerns. Through a series of testimonials, quizzes and questionnaires, Mantherapy directs men toward mental health resources in Maine and beyond.

NAMI Maine was able to bring these resources to Maine due to funding from the Rx Abuse Leadership Initiative of Maine (RALI).

For more information on Mantherapy, visit www.mantherapy.org or contact NAMI Maine’s CEO Jenna Mehnert at 207-907-0303 or jenna@namimaine.org.

For more information on NAMI Maine and its programming, visit www.namimaine.org or contact NAMI Maine’s Communication and Events Coordinator Cody Mehnert at 800-464-5767, ext. 2308, or events@namimaine.org.

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