TURNER — Superintendent Kimberly Brandt told MSAD 52 directors Thursday night that the district has seen an enrollment drop of 88 students in the past year.

“This matters because Essential Programs and Services, the funding formula used to determine state subsidy, is enrollment driven,” Brandt said Friday.

The district has roughly 1,925 students after averaging 1,997 the past three years.

“During the pandemic, some families are making different choices for their child’s education, such as home schooling or private school,” she said.

The district is hoping to spend other state funds to deal with current tech issues: In her recent note to families, Brandt flagged insufficient broadband internet service at Greene Central School.

“Teachers worked with Principal Parker to create a schedule for Wi-Fi usage until we can address the broadband issue,” she said. “Teachers are continuing to provide remote and in-person learning.”

Brandt said the district has been approved for $1.6 million from the coronavirus relief bill and awaiting approval of an additional $1.6 million, using some funds for the infrastructure upgrades.

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