The recent Telstar/Interact Club’s Chores Day was completely booked, but if you missed it, don’t worry; AFCI’s Handy Neighbor Program provides other opportunities to get student help with outdoor chores. Remember that the students are eager (perhaps the need for Community Service credits helps!) and can help adults 65 and over by raking leaves, stacking wood, taking loads to the dump, or putting gardens to bed for the winter (following all COVID safety precautions). Call the AFCI request number and leave a message about what you’re requesting; someone will get back to you soon. 207-824-4444.

Need to just talk with someone in these lonely, confusing times? Our AFCI friendly callers can give you valuable information about services in the area, as well as … well, just chat. Let us know you’d like a call: 207-824-4444.

Are you aware of all the interesting programs and classes offered by SeniorsPlus? FMI: check elsewhere in this newspaper, link to or call 207-795-4010.

You may have noticed some changes in the Bethel Library, including different hours. The library is open Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays 9:00-1:00 and Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays noon-5:00. Watch for some interesting programs coming up.

The Bryant Pond 4-H Camp’s annual Thanksgiving Wobble ‘n Gobble fundraising event will be virtual this year. FMI:

The Gem Theater is back in pretty full swing, with a variety of movies scheduled and opportunities to rent a theater for personal use – all with strict COVID precautions. FMI:


AARP notes important Social Security changes:

Here are AARP’s suggestions for “The 12 Best Things Coming to Netflix in November”:

Should Your Holiday Guests Take COVID-19 Tests This Year? AARP suggests that “Testing isn’t foolproof, but it can give some families peace of mind.” (

We’re sure you’ll like the new AFCI FaceBook page, but remember also to “like” it. To contact us by email: Call 207-824-4444 to request help with outdoor chores or for a check-in phone-call.

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