Dariel Suarez Submitted photo

FARMINGTON — The University of Maine at Farmington’s celebrated Visiting Writers Series presents fiction writer Dariel Suarez as the popular program’s fifth reader of the season. Suarez will read from his work in a remote live reading at 7:30 p.m., Thursday, March 18. The reading will be followed by a question and answer talk-back with the author. Audience may attend by invitation only. To request an invitation to the virtual reading, please contact Amy Neswald at amy.neswald@maine.edu
Suarez’s debut story collection “A Kind of Solitude” takes place in Cuba after the fall of the Soviet Union. It was awarded the 2017 Spokane Prize for Short Fiction, the 2019 International Latino Book Award for Best Collection of Short Stories, and a MassBook “Must Read” Book Award. His novel, “The Playwright’s House” is forthcoming from Red Hen Press this summer.
Suarez earned his MFA from Boston University and is the Education Director at Grub Street, a vibrant creative writing center at the heart of Boston’s literary scene.
“A Kind of Solitude” is available for pre-order at Devany, Doak, and Garret Booksellers and the UMF University Bookstore.
The Visiting Writer Series is sponsored by the UMF Bachelor of Fine Arts in Creative Writing Program. For an invitation to the virtual event, please contact amy.neswald@maine.edu.

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