“Finding light in the darkness is a very American thing to do,” President Biden remarked in his March 11 speech.

In it, he gave expression to the enormous losses we have suffered due to COVID-19. He updated us on the decisive actions being taken to combat the virus.

There is a pathway to get back to our former lives, and together we can do it. There is hope for a better future.

Another historic crisis, climate change, feels overwhelming. How can we mitigate the forces that are changing the earth’s climate?

A bill in Congress offers hope for lowering emissions of the greenhouse gases responsible for climate change. The Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act will put a fee on fossil fuels and give households a monthly check to cover the increased fuel costs and stimulate the use of renewables. It will help middle- and low-income people financially by more than covering the change in fuel prices.

This or similar market-based solutions have been endorsed by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the Business Roundtable, Former Federal Reserve Chairs, and Nobel Prize Laureate economists. The fee will begin to slash emissions immediately as businesses and consumers conserve, invest, and innovate in anticipation of rising fuel prices. It will drive innovation, create jobs, and accelerate the shift to renewables. Cleaner air will improve our health.

There is hope. I urge Sens. King and Collins to support the EICDA when it is reintroduced in the 117th Congress.

Roberta Brezinski, Durham

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